Why a Straw?

Discover the transformative power of The Voice Straw™ and Cup, meticulously crafted vocal training tools tailored for singers, actors, and speakers. Harnessing the efficacy of SOVT exercise, including the acclaimed straw phonation technique both in water and out, our products stand as pinnacle solutions for vocal enhancement. By precisely regulating air pressure above and below the vocal folds, our innovative tools align your vocal tract for flawless execution, delivering heightened resonance, amplified vocal endurance, and unparalleled stamina. Embrace the journey of vocalization with ease and joy, as you elevate your voice to unprecedented levels of proficiency. Elevate your craft with The Voice Straw™ and Cup – indispensable assets for every aspirant seeking vocal mastery.

woman using voice straw to warm up and man playing piano. Voice Straw is the #1 tool for professional singers, actors, speakers and daily voice users. It's backed by science and utilizes straw phonation to make singing and speaking easier.

What is SOVT?

SOVT (Semi Occluded Vocal Tract) techniques and training exercises are integral components of vocal workouts designed to optimize vocal performance. By adopting a partially closed mouth position, these exercises generate back-pressure and resistance during vocalization. This unique setup facilitates the vibration of vocal cords with reduced effort and in ideal alignment, effectively alleviating strain and tension. Through SOVT exercises, individuals can explore their vocal range, project with clarity, and expressively vocalize without compromising vocal health. Whether it's exploring the depths of one's range or delivering powerful performances, SOVT techniques empower vocalists to achieve their full potential while maintaining a healthy vocal configuration.

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  • why use the voice straw and is it right for you

    Is Voice Straw™ Right For You?

    The Voice Straw™ isn't "magic". It's founded on over 20 years of science and lab work on why straw phonation and tube singing really works.

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  • who is voice straw for?

    Who Is Voice Straw™ For?

    This system is a game changer for all voice users. Get your vocal tract and vocal system in perfect alignment and perfect balance, so your voice to be as effective, strong, and efficient as possible.

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  • why should you use voice straw

    Why You Should Use A Straw

    This system gets your vocal tract and vocal folds in in their correct position so you can reach vocal freedom.

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Make a Splash!

Elevate your vocal warm-up routine with the cutting-edge  Voice Straw H2O™! By immersing this innovative straw in water, you unlock a realm of enhanced efficiency and effectiveness. Experience unparalleled strength, flexibility, and rehabilitation as the submerged straw introduces dynamic resistance, challenging your vocal tract in novel ways. This customizable resistance fosters superior breath control and airflow management, facilitating optimal vocal coordination and precision. Dive into the world of visual biofeedback as vocalization into water provides real-time insights into your breath support, empowering you to tailor your workouts to your unique needs and preferences. Revolutionize your vocal training regimen with the Voice Straw H2O™ and unleash your full vocal potential!

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  • How to Use Voice Straw H2O™

    In this comprehensive tutorial, Mindy demonstrates how to customize your SOVT exercises with the perfect diameter, optimize water levels for your unique vocal needs, and effectively utilize The Voice Straw H2O™ for maximum vocal health and performance benefits. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, this video is your essential guide to unlocking the full potential of The Voice Straw H2O™.

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  • The Science and Benefits

    Mindy explores the transformative benefits of incorporating water into your SOVT exercises using The Voice Straw H2O™. Discover how this innovative technique:
    ⭐️ Enhances respiratory function
    ⭐️ Provides visual cues for precise air control
    ⭐️ Effectively relieves tension and strain in the vocal tract

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  • All New Diameters

    Mindy discusses the unique features of each diameter—ranging from 10.5mm to 1.5mm—and provides expert guidance on how and when to use each one. Learn how these versatile straws can be utilized both in and out of water, except for 'The Big Kahuna' (10.5mm), which is specifically designed for optimal performance in water. Discover the perfect diameter to suit your individual needs and elevate your vocal training regimen to new heights.

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Dr. Ingo Titze headshot talking about the science behind voice straw

Backed By Science

Dr. Ingo Titze stands as a pioneering figure in the realm of voice science, revolutionizing vocal research and understanding through his groundbreaking contributions. Alongside his esteemed team of researchers, Dr. Titze has delved into the intricate dynamics of Straw Phonation, unveiling its profound implications for vocal health and performance. Notably, his latest masterpiece with Karin T Cox, , "The Voice is Free after SOVT," encapsulates the culmination of years of dedicated exploration into straw phonation, water straw phonation, and the innovative Voice Cup system. Dr. Titze's passion for education led to a close professional relationship which blossomed during Mindy's attendance at Dr. Titze's enlightening courses though the National Center of Voice and Speech, where she was introduced to the transformative potential of straw phonation.  

With a foundation rooted in exceptional science and peer-reviewed studies, The Voice Straw emerges as a game-changing vocal tool for singers, actors, and speakers alike. Its unique features, meticulously crafted and refined, harness the scientific principles clarified by Dr. Titze and his team.  

The Voice Cup

Meet the Voice Cups – your ultimate tool for mastering vocal production! Designed for singers, actors, coaches, and more, these cups take straw phonation to the next level. Perfect your articulation, vowels, consonants, and vocal extremes with ease. It's the future of vocal training, in your hands!


Introducing Voice Cups, the cutting-edge solution poised to elevate your vocal prowess to unprecedented levels! Ideal for singers, actors, voice-over artists, coaches, ministers, cheerleaders, and beyond, Voice Cups represent the next evolutionary step in straw phonation and vocal production. With their unparalleled ability to refine articulation, vowels, consonants, belting, yelling, screaming, and vocal extremes, these innovative tools are primed to revolutionize your vocal training regimen.

Prepare to embark on an exhilarating vocal journey with Voice Cups – the ultimate companion to straw phonation! Elevating vocal development to thrilling new heights, Voice Cups seamlessly blend aerodynamic pressure with acoustic refinement, unlocking a world of vocal mastery. By synergizing the power of straw phonation with intricate articulation, dynamic singing, and precise enunciation, every vocal session becomes an electrifying exploration of balance and health. Plus, as the ONLY system on the market to combine both the Voice Straw and Cup components, it stands alone as the complete solution for vocal enhancement. Welcome to the future of vocal training – where the sky's the limit!

  • The Voice Straw voice over podcast featuring Mindy pack

    The Voice Straw Creator (part 1)

    On this week's episode ofVoice Acting with Veronica Barrera, we have the talented singer, speaker and coach Mindy Pack on the show! She helped create The Voice Straw and has worked some of the biggest clients in the world. Her knowledge about vocal care is something we are excited to bring you. This is a part two series, because it was such an informative discussion.

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  • points of experience logo

    Points of Xperience

    Mindy Pack, creator of Voice Straw and vocal coach to celebrities like Common, Lil Nas X, Justin Timberlake, and many more joins us on the show to talk all things vocal health. Straw Phonation has been a part of my health routine for many years and Voice Straw is a product that has saved my voice numerous times. We are also offering a 10% discount on Voice Straw to PoX listeners—click here!

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  • all over voiceover featuring mindy pack

    Removing the "Rock" with Mindy Pack

    This week, Kiff's guest is the brilliant and hilarious Mindy Pack—a vocal coach, performer and has creator of the Voice Straw. She discusses daily practice, vocal health, preventing problems and how to use this fabulous tool to navigate vocal stress and exertions.  

    For ALL OVER VO listeners, you can get your own Voice Straw at a 10% discount here.

    Get blowing!

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  • the intelligent vocalist singing on tour with Mindy pack

    Singing on Tour with Mindy Pack

    Mindy Pack is a leading celebrity voice teacher who is steeped in the latest voice science.
    In this episode of "The Intelligent Vocalist" podcast , Mindy gives her best advice for staying healthy on the road, as well as her approach to straw-based phonation.

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